Scherezade Garcia papers


Scherezade Garcia papers


The papers of Dominican Repbublic born multimedia artist, designer, and educator Scherezade Garcia measure 1.2 linear feet and date from 1975 to 2015. The bulk of the collection is comprised of printed materials that include art reproductions, a book and calendar, clippings, exhibition announcements and catalogs, and posters from Garcia’s childhood and career as an adult. Other material includes awards and certificates, a photograph of Garcia painting, and school documents from Altos de Chavon School of Design; correspondence with her sister iliana emilia garcia, Justice Sonia Sotomayor, and others; and sketches and mockups for <emph render=”italic”> Angeles Caídos [Fallen Angels]</emph> and other projects.

1.2 linear feet


SNAC Resource ID: 1

Archives of American Art

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